getting to
Whether by plane or sea, travelling to Bequia Villas is just as adventurous as exploring Bequia. Most visitors from outside the Caribbean region, including from Canada, USA and The United Kingdom, can approach Bequia via direct international flights into St Vincent with a ferry or flight connection to Bequia and also via direct International flights into Barbados. International arrivals into Barbados are in the early afternoon, which ( assuming no outbound delays) allows convenient onward connections to Bequia by air.

travel by air
(Private Charter)
Executive Air offers the traveller a unique travel option, offering private or shared charter services throughout the region, and non-scheduled flights from our base in Barbados to the Grenadines.
Fly Bequia Air from Barbados & St. Lucia to Bequia - the ultimate luxury island-hopping experience; enjoy a luxurious air-conditioned and executive cabin with leather seats and unrivalled speed & comfort to your dream destination in the Caribbean. Also available for Private Charters on request.
Grenadine Air Alliance operates daily flights between Barbados, Bequia, Canouan, Mustique, St. Vincent, & Union Island. Visit their website for more information.
travel by sea
An excellent ferry service operates several trips a day from Grenadines Wharf in Kingstown, St. Vincent to Bequia. The journey time on the Admiral II or the Bequia Express I or II is just one hour. You can purchase one-way or return tickets as you board the boat or from the ferry terminal in Kingstown.
For updated information on ferry schedules contact Admiralty Transport on +(784) 458 3348 and Bequia Express +(784) 457 3539 or Bequia Tourism Association info@bequiatourism.com